RV3 Vacuum Pump

Edwards RV3 Rotary Vane vacuum pump delivers excellent ultimate vacuum pressure, high pumping speeds and superior vapor handling capabilities with quiet operation. RV3 vacuum pump was designed for easy maintenance and easy installment, suitable for both high vacuum or high throughput applications.

Fabricante: EDWARDS

Serie: RV Series


Número de orden:

frecuencias Hz 50 60
Displacement metro3/H 3.7 4.5
Pumping Speed metro3/H 3.3 3.9
Ultimate pressure mbar 2x10 -3 2x10 -3
Ultimate pressure GB I mbar 3x10 -2 3x10 -2
Ultimate pressure GB II mbar 0.12 0.12
Ultimate pressure with Fomblin mbar 2x10 -2 2x10 -2
Max. Inlet pressure for water vapor mbar 80 80
Rated power kilovatios 0.45 0.55
Rotation speed al menos-1 1500 1800
Sound Emission without gas ballast dB(A) 48 48
Weight kg 25 25
Flange NW25



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